A Practice Run

P9130067a.JPGI’ve wanted to try creating wire/bead jewelry for quite a while, but have never been able to get the wire parts right. They always looked so unprofessional. Over the weekend, I came across a book that explains it all nicely, and so I had a go with some copper wire I had leftover from a project of my husband’s. Here’s the result.
You may have seen a similar gadget mentioned here. While it wasn’t the inspiration for my attempt, it was a motivation since in the past I would just link those split-ring plastic stitch markers together, and they aren’t that pretty, are they? So I thought combining a need with a desire to learn a new skill would work out nicely, and I like the result.
I bought some silver wire to play with once I am done practicing with the copper, but I think I will keep this one together and use it for now. I added some split rings in the middle so that it can be lengthened or shortened depending on the requirements of the pattern repeat. I plan to try it out on a nice splitty yarn tonight and see how well I filed the wire ends smooth. I used an emery board instead of a jewelers file, but plan to pick up a file asap since I enjoyed what I’ve learned so far.
The book is well written and is somewhere between “I know nothing” and “I already know everything” so that for me anyway, it was a great jumping off point for more bead-y creation.

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