Chinese Food Nightmares

Does anybody else get these? I get nightmares whenever I eat Chinese food, like clockwork. Luckilly I can avoid Chinese because there are so many tasty alternatives, but no other Asian food bothers me like this. Not Japanese, Korean, Indian, Thai, Filipino, Vietnamese, nothing. Even the shops that advertise no MSG still cause nightmares.
For lunch yesterday, I had some orange chicken and bbq pork, and forgot all about it. Went to bed at the usual time, and blammo, about a half hour after I fell asleep I was wide awake with a nightmare. They always happen very quickly like that too, never late into the night, but just after I fall asleep. (I do have the middle of the night kind, but very very rarely, and never after Chinese food.) Sometimes they are the really terrifying kind, and sometimes they are more like startling enough to wake me.
I did an informal poll at work today and found that the only other person in my group to also get them is the other white girl. My dad has them too.
So what was the dream? Well, not the terrifying kind this time: It was me waking up from falling asleep on the sofa to a knocking at the back door. I approach the door (strangely, the blinds were gone from the window) and I see my sister outside with a suitcase. Her husband is helping her with her other suitcase and then leaves her. I scream after him, “Don’t think you get the house!” Then I help her come into the house and that’s where I woke up, sure that she was getting ready for bed in my bathroom.

1 thought on “Chinese Food Nightmares

  1. nod

    Update: Spoke to a friend recently who mentioned in passing that she had Chinese food the night before. I asked her if she had nightmares and she said that both she and her husband did! So strange!

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