Combo Commentary

As I mentioned previously, I am participating in a knit-along. Since I am not really knitting the sweater as intended, I am able to experiment a bit. The topic came up on the KAL list that one woman was seeing strange results on her twisted stitches, and suspected that it had to do with the fact that she’s knitting in the combination style.
In combo knitting, you wrap your knits just like western knitting, but when purling, you wrap the stitches in the opposite direction, so the legs fall to the back of the needle. When I knit a large amount of stockinette, I really prefer combo knitting because I think my knitting looks so nice and even with no signs of rowing-out. But one thing that I have noticed is that in addition to the stitches being placed differently in combo knitting, the stitches also look different after they’ve been purled. Everything is recovered once it’s off the needle, but while it’s on the needle, I think it looks weird.
Trying to explain it in words isn’t easy, so I offered to take some photos. Feel free to offer any commentary you have.
This is an example of combo knitting, after completing a knit row, as seen from above, looking down at the needle. Looks normal, right?
Here is an example of Combo Knitting after completing a purl row. See how the stitches are seated opposite to western knitting? See how the yarn seems un-twisted, compared to the after-knit shot?
Here’s a picture after knitting halfway across the last purl row, so you can see the two together. Knit stitches look normal, purled look unfurled. The bottom stitches are the knitted ones, the top stitches were purled.
Here you can see that the result looks normal, the stitches look great after all is said and done.
For info about combination knitting, see:

2 thoughts on “Combo Commentary

  1. Skylar

    You are so good! Mad skills, I tell you. Thanks for the email on the yarn choice. It didn’t stretch much, but I am just concerned about what will happen w/ wear. I plan on figuring it out before the weekend, I guess.

  2. Kathy

    This is why I can’t get into combination knitting – keeping track of which stitches to untwist as you go. Too much work for me! Though I will admit it’s a bit quicker, at least until you get to that “is this a purl stitch?” part 😛

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