I’ve been working on Kyoto for quite a while, because I had to rip out and reknit some of it as I mentioned earlier. I have finished the sleeves, which I did as my gauge swatch to make sure I really liked the new gauge before continuing on. Now I am working on the fronts, together on one needle.
I had to regauge this sweater, and resize it too, since I am bigger than the pattern size. But, it’s quite an easy pattern to resize since it’s drop shoulder and most of the pieces are square, but it still involved some math.
Here’s what’s great about the internet. I was reading GADGETS – STUPID STITCH MARKER TRICKS (string-or-nothing.blog-city.com) a few months ago and paid attention and sort of filed away the reference that Kim makes to a knitting abacus. I didn’t really have a need for it … yet … but knew the idea would roll around in my brain and file itself away for later.
Well, later came last week when I was at Stitch ‘n Bitch Long Beach and got out my calculator to figure out how to gradually whittle away 23 stitches from my front pieces, over 156 rows of knitting. Naturally, 156/23 = 6.7 stitches, not a good even number.
Since I only want to decrease on the public side of my knitting, I would have to have even numbers. The closest even numbers to 6.7 are 6 and 8. Using 6x+8y=156 and x+y=23, I came up with “Decrease 1 stitch every 8 rows 9 times and 1 stitch every 6 rows 14 times.” (See kids, you do use some of that math you had to suffer through!)
To make it slope more evenly, I decided to alternate between the 8 and 6 row decreases til I get to the last five decreases which will happen a little faster (14-9=5). This brings me back to Kim’s post about her knittng abacus. I knew that on each piece, I need to decrease 23 stitches, so I placed a marker after the 23rd stitch. Since I know that the last 5 decreases are different from the first 9, I put a marker 5 stitches out from the first – closer to the edge that’s being decreased. Then I made the long chain of markers you see here. The first marker is pink, followed by seven greens, and 6 pinks, for a total of … you guessed it … 14. I start at the lone pink marker and do a decrease on that row. Each time I pass the marker chain, I pass the next link up onto my needle, inching closer to the solid pink end. When I change color to pink, I do another decrease. When I reach the end, I start back at the lone pink marker and do another decrease. When I reach the first marker that’s in the knitting, I will know that I am done with the 8 row decreases and will remove the last 8 markers from the chain, leaving me with one pink and 5 green, and will continue til I reach the second marker in the knitting, at which point I will be done with the decreases. Whew!
If I hadn’t come across her entries on the tricks she uses to avoid counting stitches (something I detest) I would have never thought of doing the decreases this way. It’s been great so far, both fronts are decreasing evenly, and I haven’t had to count anything since first placing the markers.
I just have to re-do that back piece and the collar, and then I’ll be able to put this baby together. I’ve left the sleeves on stitch holders with the balls of yarn still attached because I am not quite sure where I want them to fall. Either longish so the hands can be slipped into the other sleeve, or short so the sleeves are out of the way. I stopped at the short sleeve point and will pin it all together and see if I like it, and if not, I will add a few more inches to the sleeves. Any opinions on the sleeve length?
I bow to your superior math skills. I do have that kind of math knowledge somewhere in my brain, but don’t think to use it, and work it all out a much longer complicated way. You are to be commended. I, too, have that stitch marker site bookmarked, and have found it to be helpful. Be on the lookout for another package soon.
Kyoto looks good. I’m also determining sleeve length on a sweater I have on the needles. One of your gifties should be shipped in 1-2 weeks (or so the store just e-mailed me to say), so you just might have to be on the lookout for something directly from me before then.
Um, I think I prefer counting. Most hilarious picture ever involving stitch markers. xoxo Kay
Makes perfect sense to me! I’ve had that same sort of problem, and that’s what gave birth to the stitch marker trick. I’m delighted both at your ingenuity in building a tracking chain from the things, and in having been able to help. The Kyoto looks great, too! -K.