The Knitter’s Toolbox

So, what do you keep in your knitter’s toolbox? What do you use for a box?
I have a great pencil box I bought at Staples a few years ago. It’s got two red lids, one on top and one on the bottom, and is translucent in the middle. There are different sized spaces inside for all my tools. What do I keep inside? At a minimum:

  • Ruler – For measuring swatches without cheating
  • Tape Measure – Because I’m not flat
  • Darning Needles – I started with just a plastic one, now I have the brass Chibi kind, and the silver Chibi Kind, which all have their uses.
  • Crochet Hooks (size 1 and size F) – I usually knit on small yarns, so have small hooks for rescuing dropped stitches or fixing errors
  • Burts Bees Hand Salve – Works great for taking care of hangnails or whatever catches your yarn
  • Assorted stitch markers – You know I loves my stitch markers
  • Calculator – I have to do lots of math to make things fit or just make things, so it comes in handy
  • Stitch Holders – Those giant safety-pin kind, short and long
  • Scissors
  • Kacha-Kacha – I keep forgetting to use it! But I still keep it in the box for those row-number moments
  • Plus an assortment of other doo-dads like those rubber stoppers for the ends of double points, and some double-points, and some waste yarn wrapped on a bobbin for emergencies. I also had some dental floss when I was working on a lace project, but I moved that to the medicine cabinet.

What tools do you find you use all the time?

5 thoughts on “The Knitter’s Toolbox

  1. Secret Pal

    A nail file and a bandaid are also in my knitting toolbox. I don’t want a snagged nail or a boo-boo to stop me from knitting.

  2. Lisa

    I keep my knitting tools in an old cigar box, it’s the perfect size for everything and it has a latch closure on the lid, plus it’s wooden, which is cool. I use my tape measure the most. I’ll have to remember to add bandaids to my knitting tool box, that’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll just add a mini first aid kit.

  3. Kathy

    I keep my knitting tools in two places – some in the outside pockets of my knitting bag (it stands up on a frame with slightly current projects and yarn inside) and some in the small wooden sewing box I keep by the couch, which houses whatever I’m working on right at the moment.

  4. The Guppy

    I also keep an ipod Shuffle and headphones. For those rare times I don’t have my ipod with me. *grin*

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