computer issues

A few weeks ago, my computer started having all kinds of problems, and rebooting randomly after only a few minutes of use. This was very unusual for me, since I don’t download (steal) music, or have any of that spy/adware stuff that hitches a ride with a lot of the free software out there. My firewall has never been down, my Norton AV updates daily (or it did till all hell broke loose) so I couldn’t figure out what’s going on. My huz installed one of those spyware finders on his machine and found hundreds of trojans and other crap, so he tried it on mine also. It found only two, but they both use the same port that mail software uses to talk. One of them may have been used for those spammer p2p networks that make me sick. Needless to say, I have cleaned up, and things are much more stable as of today, so I can actually have the machine up long enough to compose a post!
What have I been doing? Shopping, mostly.