We now have a collar, and some shoulder seams. Not much for a few weeks work, but I was ignoring it for a bit.
I’ve been super busy at work with lots of later than usual days, conference calls to Japan, and general silliness. Plus I’ve been accepted into a program at work to get a certification as a Business Analyst. I am an analyst already, but only by figuring things out myself. This program gives you methodologies to use in your analysis, hopefully getting everyone in the program using the same methods and getting us out of our usual “this is how to solve it” mode that we usually jump into. I’ve already used some of the skills I’ve learned in class back in the real world with a new project that was sprung upon my group. The course lasts for 6 months, so I hope to learn plenty during that time.
Back to the jacket… I expect to put the button bands on this week and then comes the search for buttons. Most of my LYS are supplied with gaudy plastic buttons or juvenile buttons. I like smaller, Celtic styled silver buttons, so will probably be on that search for a while. Maybe the girls at my stitch n’ bitch will have some suggestions. There is talk of a field trip to WildFiber in Santa Monica on Wednesday, but I can’t imagine driving all the way home and then heading back north to go to a sale. I may be able to be convinced though if anyone knows what kind of buttons they have at Wildfiber.
For Celtic buttons I love the Ram’s Horn on ebay–http://stores.ebay.com/The-Rams-Horn-Studio_W0QQssPageNameZstrkQ3amefsQ3amesstQQtZkm I have bought some of their beautiful buttons and the quality is terrific. NAYY but a very satisfied customer.
Oh, cool, thanks for the link. I’ll check it out.